by GerardHuerta • Uploaded: Nov. 14 '14 - Gallerized: Nov. '14


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Description: HBO Logo
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Status: Client work
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Lets Discuss

nido Nov. 14 '14

There's a handful of stuff coming through your showcase that I can say I am completely familiar with, and much I'm not, but tell me what you think about modern day logo design and it's implications if you please. Would be fantastic to get your thoughts on the development of logos from then and now. There is an obvious change in style.

Look forward to seeing a few more old friends from you. Thanks.

GerardHuerta Nov. 14 '14

nido: Modern day logo design is no different than when it was when I started working. It is about appropriateness, uniqueness and good drawing. There is also an exposure component: you can design the greatest logo but without exposure it goes nowhere. The reason a lot of my work is recognizable is the exposure component. You must design a logo with the idea that many years from now it will be current. It is, of course, difficult as we don't know how things will change, but we can use our judgement as to good drawing, good letter spacing and all those basic design rules we learned.

chanpion Nov. 14 '14

@nido: I can almost see you blush ;-)

atomicvibe Nov. 15 '14

@Gerard, I've always wanted to know the rationale behind the O counter being filled in. Can you enlighten me, please?

GerardHuerta Nov. 15 '14

atomicvibe: That logo is so old that it was designed when tvs had cathode ray tubes and round knobs for channel changing and volume (also vertical and horizontal adjustment knobs) remote.

crislabno Nov. 16 '14

@Gerard: still very current. well done!

alexwende Nov. 17 '14

Although it represents objects from the past it's abstract and unique enough to stand the test of time.

logomotive Nov. 18 '14

Oh Yeah Gerard, the Button! and all that static!! I tried adjusting my Rabbit ears a few times. :)

GerardHuerta Nov. 18 '14

Thanks for that one, Mike!

denniswilson Nov. 20 '14

Thanks for your insight on some of these classic logos Gerard!

Do you ever look back on some of your older, more well known logos and think of how you might have approached the design of them differently?

GerardHuerta Nov. 21 '14

denniswilson: Once a logo is done I look at it as "locked in." I don't really want to go through the mental exercise of solving it again as there is another job ready to solve. I do look at very old logos and wish there was more generous spacing, but that was the style at the time.


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