
by Gal • Uploaded: Apr. 24 '10 - Gallerized: Nov. '12


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Description: Rent of bicycles in city
Status: Client work
Viewed: 15380

Lets Discuss

plantingseeds Apr. 25 '10

great illustration. shame about the weak type. the mark has a great sense of speed!

Gal May. 04 '10

@Type08. Nose is similar, or head square? )

theskywatcher Jun. 01 '10

i love this illustration, well done!

libran005 Oct. 17 '10

This is fantastic...Lovely illustration

ColinTierney Nov. 10 '12

this is awesome. thanks for making the \'Gal\'lery logopond\'s entire front page.

julius seniunas Nov. 11 '12

Thanks to logopond for understanding - he will never be forgotten.

saawan Nov. 11 '12

I\'m really sad such a talented designer passed away. :\'( His style has always been unique and truly inspiring. RIP Gal.

cerise Nov. 11 '12

Great way to showcase this amazing talent David. Rest in Peace Gal

type and signs Nov. 11 '12

Man ... where ever you go ... you will make it a better place ... RIP ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

vergad Nov. 11 '12

Gal really perfected his art. I\'ve spent many hours looking at those wonderful animals trying to mentally get my head around his style and technique. What an inspiration! R.I.P

borinagge Nov. 11 '12

Very shocking and very sad news. Our community has lost a great talent, I hope his family finds peace and strength in this difficult time.

dotflo Nov. 11 '12

I was blown away by this... such a great talent, may his family have the strength to go through this moment, and that he rests in peace !!!

ColinTierney Nov. 11 '12

sorry for being so vague, david. i was on the road traveling the whole weekend and heard about the tragic news and needed to say something on here. it saddens me that gal\'s life was cut short, but it brought great joy and warmth to see that you included every last one of his logos into the gallery. every single piece of his is deserving of a spot on the front page. he was a true talent in our field and i\'m privileged to have been able to witness his greatness. knowing that yuri was a part of this community and contributed to logopond regularly, makes the loss of his life hard to grasp, but bittersweet. thank you david for creating a site that allows us to be able to experience such true talent like yuri\'s. may his work continue to inspire and bring forth more passionate creatives. thoughts and prayers to his loved ones and again, rest in peace, gal.

watermarker Nov. 12 '12

Oh wow! I first thought, CD did hit the wrong button with all of Gal\'s logos on the gallery at once - and laughed a bit, before I did read the header message. :(
I guess, everyone here feels the same about this sad event. My condolescences to his family! R.I.P.

garychew1984 Nov. 12 '12

R.I.P Gal, your great master pieces will always be around with us. Deepest condolence to your family.

ClimaxDesigns Nov. 12 '12

Thank you, Colin and others, there was no question in my mind what needed to be done once I was able to confirm the sad news. (kinda sad I had to confirm it through multiple sources, but thats how it is these days)

orca design Nov. 12 '12

Just put 2 and 2 together. So sad to hear the news. Gal you are a huge asset to the whole design community and beyond. May your work continue to inspire!

tabithakristen Nov. 12 '12

Rest in peace Gal. Your work has always been very inspirational to me and our community has definitely lost an amazing talent. My thoughts and prayers to the family for their tragic loss.

Mikeymike Nov. 12 '12

unreal. and so sad. a big lost for the design world and even bigger for his family. may God be you your family at a time like this and may Gal, rest in peace.
An amazing talent with such a unique style, I will miss seeing his posts, always been some inspirational work. :(((

jueves Nov. 12 '12

Rest in peace Gal...

Artgeko Nov. 15 '12

It is very sad when such talented people so early and unexpectedly go to eternity, but this is a vivid moment of time at which he appeared here did not leave anybody indifferent and giving each inspiration from their amazing work - will undoubtedly leave a trace in our minds. Rest in peace Yuri!

rtaveira8 Nov. 15 '12

Rest in Peace, your talent and inspiration will live on in the great work you produced not to mention in your family. My thoughts and prayers are with your family during this hard time. You\'ll be missed.


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