Fisherman Hat Productions

by DoubleA • Uploaded: Jun. 18 '10


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Description: Broadcast
As seen on: Double A Creative
Status: Client work
Viewed: 6339

Lets Discuss

ocularink Jun. 18 '10

Might just be me, but the smaller detail on the fish seems a bit distracting. My eye keeps getting stuck there. Again, might just be me. Overall, a solid, memorable logo solution.

Double A Jun. 18 '10

Thanks for the comment ocularink. I actually went back and forth on the same thing. After asking around and thinking a lot about it. I decided to keep it on. But you do have a very valid point. The client ended up like it, so that was good.

sdijock Jun. 21 '10

I love how clean the overall mark is and I think the color palette is really nice. However, the mark overall doesn't resemble a fisherman's hat at all. You've illustrated more of a derby style of hat which is somewhat of a disconnect IMO.


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