
by DoubleA • Uploaded: May. 14 '10 - Gallerized: May. '10


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Description: Emerge ministry
As seen on: Double A Creative
Status: Client work
Viewed: 18146

Lets Discuss

gary May. 14 '10

imo, i see someone drowning, more to emergency. This is just my opinion, may be i'm wrong.%0D*Btw, i love your gallery, rocks illustration!!

Double A May. 14 '10

Thx for the comment gary. I never saw that before, but after you said it I see where you are coming from.

gary May. 14 '10

I think because of the blue color part :)

ob3d Aug. 24 '10

Creo que el logo es muy bueno, la ilustraci%F3n me parece de muy buena calidad, buen trabajo. Creo que la percepci%F3n de gary se debe m%E1s a que hace falta el background religioso con el que se debe apreciar el logo. Muy buen trabajo


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