Teillers Media

by Dano • Uploaded: Aug. 23 '10


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Description: A logo I designed for a client who is into media. Using both letters in a creative way.
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 3244

Lets Discuss

danieltaborda Aug. 24 '10

I like it! Maybe you can try to invert de colours of the text.

grupoimpresso Aug. 25 '10

SIMPLE!*that's the reason of the mark be a good mark.*congratulations!

Marvin K. Aug. 25 '10

Just wondering if this: http://www.flickr.com/photos/52657814@N06/4858055078/in/photostream/ %0D*Was your inspiration? I like the mark, your execution was alot better than mine %3B) Also, why is the base of the T shorter than the ,,feet'' of the M?


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