by CommunicationAgency • Uploaded: Oct. 29 '10
Diva logo for new parfumerie.
As seen on:
Communication Agency
Client work
Lets Discuss
New Diva parfums.
ReplyHvala! I like u too! I mean Ur work %3B-))
ReplyDiva symbol it's final sollution for Diva parfumerie! Agency necjepa bez veze! Imam dva predloga fontica pa se dvoumimo.
ReplyVer strong mark, really like it.
ReplyI meant very strong mark, really like it. :)
ReplyI like it a lot, Pavel. Just find an appropriate font and that's it.
Replygood work.
Replylove the mark. nice work.
ReplyThanks a lot rudy,vld,mcdseven,Mikeymike!*Nice friday halloween fever %3B-))!
Replymark is veryvery nice
ReplyThanks palattecorner!
ReplyVery nice mark. %5Efloated.
ReplyThanks alexander!
ReplyAward winning brand DIVA best logo in the world by Joe Duffy award!
Replythat is cool
ReplyThanks Raja a lot!
ReplyCongratz, I always loved this one.
ReplyThanks again Rudy!
Replycongratz, Agencija. bold, solid design.
ReplyThanks a lot Mikeymike! cheers
Replynice honor. well deserved. *
ReplyThanks Colin!
ReplyVery like this symbol!!! Great design work!
ReplyThanks dahuadesign and check my Musa!*
ReplyDIVA won Best of Slovakia WOLDA!
ReplyCongratulations Pavel ! ! !
ReplyBra'o majstore!
ReplyO hvala drugovi i kolege! Thanks a lot Alen %26 Vlada we drink when we meet!
ReplyCestitamo :)
ReplyHvala pjmaster neznas ko je pobedio best of Serbia?
Replystrange I didn't commented on this earlier ... very nice clasy form
ReplyBernd Joe Duffy selected this brand as one of best in the world 2010 and now in Wolda get Best of Nation Slovakia.
Replythat's such an honor. deserved.
ReplyPavel, evo sad gledam rezultate za ovu godinu i ne vidim Srbiju na listi kao i mnoge druge zemlje. Susna godina izgleda :)
ReplyCongratulations! Well deserved!
ReplyThanks a guys for support! Cheers
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