Tsunami Sushi

by CityOnFire • Uploaded: May. 31 '08 - Gallerized: Jun. '08


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Description: logo for Tsunami Sushi
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 25816

Lets Discuss

koodoz Jun. 03 '08

I think this would be even better if the black was substituted for a really dark 'seaweed green'

BigAl67 Jun. 03 '08

This one's a keeper folks.

firebrand Jun. 03 '08

I really like the concept.

gorz Jun. 03 '08

Terrible %26 Stylish in 1 Roll )

creativeworld Jun. 03 '08

very nice concept!! also agree with dark seaweed green colour comment.

AL Jun. 03 '08

Interesting to put a natural disaster in a logo dealing with food. Will the identity contain some floating dead bodies to make it tastier..? :)

AL Jun. 04 '08

@ClimaxDesigns: I know, but you simply can't avoid the negative connotations. Maybe I'm too sensitive but tsunamis usually cause humanitarian disasters also because food and water gets contaminated. Do you think %22Ground Zero%22 would be a good name for a demolishion company in downtown Manhattan? Would you name your own son Adolf? Or George (just kidding)...%0D*%0D*PS. Dear Author, sorry for having this discussion about naming issues under your design. What about moving it to forums?

rkiga Jun. 05 '08

I like it, but you should go one step further and remove the left %22arm%22.**%22something like this%22:http://i30.tinypic.com/mcqffa.jpg

BJMRamage Jun. 06 '08

there was/is a sushi restaurant around my way named Tsunami...people looked down on them after the disaster but they stuck it out and are doing well again.**

kellyoneill Jun. 06 '08

I think this logo is fantastically executed and well-designed. Right or wrong, I can't help but think of the faces of those that I met in Indonesia right after the tsunami - I did relief work there, and the survivor's lives are forever changed - almost everyone lost someone they loved. While they would cringe at knowing a %22tsunami roll%22 existed, they will likely never know. I certainly don't fault the designer for creating this logo!

gthobbs Jun. 06 '08

Uh oh....rkiga. Please don't be one of those people that works on other's people's work.**And as for the other conversations: What about amusement park rides named Tornado? How dare them. Or a drink called Kamikazi? The horror!*

rkiga Jun. 07 '08

Having a roller coaster named something like tornado makes sense because they want to say the ride is powerful, but drinks like %22kamikaze%22 and %22Irish car bomb%22 really are a bit offensive to me.**If I were looking for a new place to eat on yelp or citysearch, I definitely wouldn't pick one with an offensive name. It doesn't matter if there was no bad intent%3B if a name brings up bad memories or feelings, then there's a problem with the name.**@gthobbs*yeah, i realized right after posting that i shouldn't have done that and was looking for the edit button. i was working on my own logo with ps open, so i got a little overzealous. forgibbiness please :x

brentchristensen Jun. 12 '08

I have to say, this is one of my favs! do you mind if i ask what font you used? It would go well with a logo i am working on at the moment...

graeme Jul. 13 '08

I happen to know tsunami sushi has been around in Vancouver on Robson for ages, having the benefit of living nearby. This logo works for me, I like it. I do agree with some other comments, I'd like a deep dark green if thats what sushi looks like. I also feel the type could move up and baseline with the bottom left of the sushi roll just to ground it, no pun intended. That aside, great work. Thank you for sharing.

graeme Jul. 13 '08

You know what. Forget my comments, I like it just the way it is. Love your other work as well. Great job.

cranberryjello Jul. 18 '08

break the roll into 3 pieces by adding thin white lines. this way you keep the tsunami image but fix the awkward size of the roll by making it look like 3 sushi pieces stacked vertically. also, move the text up and left to continue the line made by the bottom of the roll. perfect.

THEArtistT Sep. 20 '08

Nature is both beautiful and awful. Considering (and I've said this before with another tsunami sushi logo, so the name is popular) how a tsunami is nature at its rawest, it works great for food served mostly in the raw. Hating a tsunami makes as much sense as hating a rainbow to me. One is not evil and the other good. They just are.

THEArtistT Sep. 20 '08

The logo works great, btw. :)

jsae Dec. 26 '08

brilliant and badass!

shin Jan. 22 '09

brilliant indeed.. but somewhat ironic

Mason Roberts May. 11 '09

Great IDEA... I think the design could be more structured so it works on all sizes... Right now it looks very choppy around the edges etc! Great work!

nido Mar. 18 '11

life imitating logo?...

kugelis Sep. 15 '11

This is prophetic


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