Enid Grempler

by Chanpion • Uploaded: May. 25 '07


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Description: A proposed logo for a photographer that specialises in weddings and functions. She wants it to bring out the quirkinessand spontaneity in her as well as conveying a sense of excitement.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 6628

Lets Discuss

tjclarey May. 27 '07

I like this alot....the combination of the 'e' and 'g' is very nice! good work!

nido May. 30 '07

owen did that right... he did didn he... yeah owen did it!

nido May. 30 '07

he's got his dads flair:)

waltermurray May. 30 '07

I like the freeflow apoch a lot, would be cool to explorte dofferent typefaces and upper, lowercase variations, Overall a great job.

chanpion May. 30 '07

Thanks Walter! I'll see what happens. The client has ran away and have not heard from her for awhile : (**Yeah nav, and he left slobber all over the friggin mouse! Geez these kids, I tell ya....

hippiegirljess Jun. 08 '07

neat! I like the concept

jungle midget Jun. 28 '07

concept!? theres no concept. unless dumping on some paper and then tracing it is a concept. this logo sucks.

helios Sep. 21 '07

I agree with jungle. This one would work if you cleaned up the grey squiggle.

raul2hot Jan. 02 '08

is the grey scribble required?? otherwise excellent!!


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