
by ChadSanderson • Uploaded: Nov. 17 '09


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Description: Second concept for Colorvox, a designers community.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 4018

Lets Discuss

Chad Sanderson Nov. 17 '09

Is it obvious that it's a speech bubble? :s

Momentummagazine Nov. 17 '09

Yeah definitely. The C is too perfect for me though. It should fit with the overall theme of the rest of mark. Roughen it up a little bit and don't make it so symmetric. Just my opinion.

epsilon Nov. 17 '09

It is kind of too round for the speech bubble that are typically squished vertically.

Chad Sanderson Nov. 17 '09

@Joe- Yeah, I've been debating back and forth on that one, and presented a version of both to the client. Of the two they preferred the solid, so that's what I'm going to work with. Thanks though!**@epsilon- True, although I am sort of fond of the shape. I'll definitely look at it.

cseven Nov. 17 '09

I like it as it is - the 'sketchy' bubble with juxtaposes the clear 'C' really nicely. Like the colour use too.

epsilon Nov. 17 '09

Oh, yes, the bubble is really well done, I was totally going to compliment it, but forgot :)

saawan Nov. 18 '09

Loving the colors!

Chad Sanderson Nov. 18 '09

Thank you cseven, saawan (got it right this time %3B) ) and epsilon!

Relis Nov. 18 '09

it looks so great!

dotflo Nov. 18 '09

l really like it chad...good job.. i think rough edges and a asimetrical C would have worked better...but after all its the clients choice..good luck on this one

Type08 Mar. 03 '10

I would love to see this incorporated with the text... And what about the rounded C form maybe (rounded ends), I think it would fit the enclosure much nicer...

Chad Sanderson Mar. 03 '10

Yeah, this project eventually got dropped. The whole business went under before it got off the ground, apparently- but I think you're right. I'll tinker with it for the kicks.

oski Jul. 14 '10

I like effect you used :)

yes mate, yes Aug. 11 '11

What program do you use to make your logos?


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