by ChadSanderson • Uploaded: Oct. 01 '09
Moustache quote fun. It was accidentally deleted when trying to change the description. -_-
Just for fun
Lets Discuss
make word %22quotes%22 bigger to match the moustache size?
Replywow, who am i, just saw u have a front page logo... forget my comment :x
ReplyOh my god man, you got it all wrong. I just got lucky with that one. I actually suck compared to most people here. I like the quotes small to counter balance the big text, and emulate the size of the mustache to under lip mark. Thanks for the look though.
Replyhey, i am not sure i mentioned, this looks very nice! my imagination also draws a smiling girl in there. was that intended? :)
ReplyIt's funny you should ask that, because once I got done with the logo, I seriously considered changing it to %22hair quotes%22 for that very reason. Actually...that would probably work better on a couple different levels now that I think about it.
Replyone of the best 'quotes' logos ive seen, well done!
ReplyThank you!
Replyexcelente amigo! buen trabajo, saludos desde %0D*Can-cun, M%E9xico
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