by Brandsanity • Uploaded: Apr. 16 '11 - Gallerized: Apr. '11
Morning Wood is a sexual enhancement drug aimed at men between the ages of 18-35.
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Work in progress
Lets Discuss
Ha ha! That's great!
Replythis is pretty funny, but i would never want to associate an axe with a male sexual organ.
ReplyYeah, funny stuff! Very cool.
Reply@Colin*Honestly I don't have nothing against that association:)
ReplyCheers man!%0D*%0D*Hah, why not Colin?
Replylorena bobbit anyone?*
Replylovely illustration, but i have to agree with colin on this one. sharp blade with blood stain... creeps me out a bit.
ReplyThis is very funny. It's potentially a mans worst nightmare at the same time. :D
ReplyMorning Good!*Good morning)
Reply@vergad I think it's a red painted fire axe - not a bloodstain.**Very clever work!
Replyi can see it as a phallic symbol
ReplyThanks for the feedback, flipped over the blade colours now and much prefer it. It was meant to be a red axe as webcore said but you were right about the tip looking like blood!**Haha yeah, I guess you wouldn't want to get too close to that thing...**Thank you everyone for the comments/floats :D finding it a huge struggle to work with my broken hand so really appreciate seeing this up here! Cheers.**@malicho Where?!
Reply%5Ehah, let's just say the wooden part of the axe is very %22erect%22
ReplyWhat about a blue-grey for the axe color instead of red? Could give it a %22blueballs%22 connotation?
Reply%5Ewhat Colin said
Replythe illustration is quite nice.. but an axe makes me cringe a little.. I think of that krippendorf's tribe scene where they circumcise the boy..
Replymixed feelings!
ReplyWell this brought me to attention%3B)
Replywell i guess axes do %22tear shit up%22 LOL! HAHAHAHAH. great work.
Reply@designerken I gave the blue a try but I felt it just didn't have the same effect, cheers for the suggestion though!**@dannydgdammit Cheers man, don't think I've seen that one! (Thankfully?!)**@eastnash LOL. Never even heard that saying before, had to google it! Great coincidence though. :D**@brandsimplicity Haha well that's good news, it was a hard one to say the least...**@emesghali They certainly do! Must never forget to use the proper protective gear...**Thanks for the comments everyone :)
ReplyQuite an interesting name for the product. The logo is perfect.
Reply%5E I think the idea is v clever playing on the 'Morning glory' thing, but it just ain't right for the product. It feels like a Canadian country club or something!
ReplyThank you, Cleanse Body.%0D*%0D*Yeah I can see why you'd make that connection Jonny, that is the style I was aiming for... I liked the imagery of a lumberjack or worker hammering his axe into a log after a hard day's work, then heading home to his wife/girlfriend for an even harder night!
ReplyHaha Love it!
Replyhaha makes me cringe!
ReplyBrilliant idea, fine design
ReplyThat's what this gives me. Is that weird? Stupendous work.
Replylol, this is awesome :D
Reply100! bam
that must have been a great client to work with.
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