computer mogul

by BrandonBarnard • Uploaded: Jun. 05 '09


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Description: computer shop
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Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 1848

Lets Discuss

theartistt Jun. 06 '09

The idea here is not bad, but it us bit translating well. Take 'COMPUTER' out of the globe and fit it above MOGUL (same widths). I would suggest simplifying the globe a little, drop some lines out, then thicken the remaining. Make the globe overall a little smaller and I think it would look good. Oh, and take that weird lite yellow out of the globe. I don't know if you were going for that, but the word 'COMPUTER' in the globe and that weird yellow color in the background gives this a dated feel. Did you want that?

brandon Barnard Jun. 08 '09

thats for the positive feedback will make those chnages and see how it comes out


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