
by BrandonBarnard • Uploaded: Apr. 21 '09


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Description: This is a logo for a movie based on the special tasked team set up to hunt down key Nazi and SS officers after the war. They did not have a title for the film, at my 1st viewing the title came to me.
As seen on: www.agentorange.co.za
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 2067

Lets Discuss

kinetic Apr. 21 '09

I'd lose the top of the T. Looks like a Christian cross and shouldn't have an association with an evil regime such as the Nazis.

brandon Barnard Apr. 22 '09

that was the point to make it look like a cross to show that people died. i still think it redas as hate.

sdijock Apr. 22 '09

The flaw within this logo is that the Nazi's targeted Jews, not Christians. So the cross doesn't make any sense.

brandon Barnard Apr. 23 '09

yeah that is what i thought as well, but that is not true... the many christians were killed as well. but thnaks you for your opinion.

sdijock Apr. 23 '09

Not sure how accurate your statement is, but even if it is true the fact remains that the amount of Jewish people killed (over 6 million - representing 1/3 of all living Jewish people at that time BTW) FAR OUTNUMBERED the amount of Christians or other groups, as Hitler was purposefully and systematically targeting the Jews. So when people think of the Nazi regime I can guarantee you by default that they automatically associate it with the slaughtering of the Jews.**It's nice that you want to honor the Christians who died in the Holocaust, but I think the majority of people will see the cross in your logo as a big disconnect as it was seen primarily as a crime against the Jews.

epsilon Apr. 23 '09

Well, you should also probably consider that far more atheists died on the Soviet Union side than Jews and Christians combined.

theartistt Apr. 23 '09

I %3Cheart%3E epsilon. HOWEVER, they weren't the prime target of deliberate mass killing as the Jews were during that time.**I can see both points. I didn't even notice the cross at first until it was pointed out. Works either way in my opinion. That bloody swastika takes any real notice away from the cross anyway. Everyone viewing this will think about what the Jews went through, period.

theartistt Apr. 23 '09

I HEART epsilon (for some reason it did not post).

brandon Barnard Apr. 23 '09

hey sdijock, please don't take offence, i think you misunderstand this logo has really nothing to do with christians. The cross (as misguided as it is) was a reference to show graves, death, across all ethnic relgious groups. I am fully aware of what the nazi regime did - check out my comments here from a previous logo http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/59555%23Brandon_Barnard_110041.****

sdijock Apr. 23 '09

No offense taken. I was just merely pointing out that most people will associate the Holocaust with Jewish annihilation, and not necessarily the killing of Christians. So to show a cross in your logo isn't really representational of the Jews as their religious symbol is the Star of David. By showing a cross you've essentially omitted an entire race of people that were at the epicenter of the entire Holocaust. Unfortunately for your logo, a cross isn't the universal symbol for (as you said) %22graves and death across all ethnic religious groups%22. As mentioned, I'm not offended and I don't think it's a bad logo, just a flawed/misguided one.

theartistt Apr. 23 '09

Actually, the cross used to be a Jewish symbol. And the star of David was a Christian symbol at one time as well. Course the swastika used to be a symbol of good luck, too. Just saying. %3B)

brandon Barnard Apr. 23 '09

sdijock you don't seem to be listening to me this logo has nothing to do with Christians, you are the one that 1st brought up christians and just added that many christians died as well... did you ven bother to read my comments on the link supplied.

gyui Apr. 23 '09

for me, the %22T%22/cross sticks out because it is taller than all the other type. I see it pretty quick and also think of christianity when I see it. I know Brandon Barnard that your intention was to have the %22T%22/cross symbolize graves, but i think the bloody swastika already hints to death, so cutting the top of the %22T%22 would work better from a conceptual standpoint and a design standpoint. having the %22T%22 taller draws more attention than it should. have a shorter %22T%22 still reads hate, allows greater focus on the swastika. having a grave/tombstone symbol is unnecessary when the swastika is present IMO. just my 2 cents.

brandon Barnard Apr. 24 '09

hey guys i have fixed the cross check it out

sdijock Apr. 24 '09

@ brandon - Not to beat a dead horse, but, to quote you: %22The cross (as misguided as it is) was a reference to show graves, death, across all ethnic relgious groups.%22 **Throughout the world, cross %3D Christianity. So if you show a cross in your logo then you automatically assume Christianity. As I had said, the cross is not a universal religious symbol, but that's exactly what you had attempted to use it as.**BTW - you didn't have to update your logo with a proper %22T%22, but that was your call. You should stick to your convictions more and not cave to people's opinions if you feel that strongly about something. Cheers.

brandon Barnard Apr. 24 '09

i enjoy the feed back, to be honest the cross is not an issue for me

waltermurray May. 18 '09

Thee seems to be so much focus on the %22t%22 but for me the concern lies in the title of the movie, on first sight it would seem to be about Nazi persecution of Jews, if so thats fine. However if the movie is about a special task force that was set up to the capture Nazi offices then maybe it would need a bit more thought, that is unless the movie is base entirely on back-flash of the holocaust.


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