
by Artisticodopeo • Uploaded: May. 17 '09


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Description: Brand design for a fashion boutique.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 2540

Lets Discuss

nido May. 17 '09

nice!... what does tresor mean?.. i see two frogs back to back %26 was wondering how it would look if it was not mirrored.. just the one side %26 maybe facing up?.. . thats if it has anything even to do with a frog.. i just see two.. and its nicely done!

logomotive May. 17 '09

Yeah I saw frogs too. It is nice work though whatever it means.

Artisticodopeo May. 18 '09

LOL. thanx guys. creativity does have different perspectives. sorry to disappoint, but the logo was designed to be a part of the arab/indian motiffs that's normally woven into carpets and embroidery. The earlier logo was an image which caused problems in duplication. So the entire logo went in for redesign. This logo was designed keeping in mind that it could be woven into carpets as well be part of intricate indian embroideries.*- and now i see the frogs as well. nice. :)


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