Purple Properties

by Artisticodopeo • Uploaded: May. 17 '09


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Description: Brand design for a real estate project.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 6368

Lets Discuss

vibes May. 17 '09

its quite creative.**%3Ca style%3D%22overflow: hidden%3B text-decoration: none%3B width: 50px%3B background-color: %23ffffff%3B display: block%3B float: left%3B text-indent: 1000px%3B white-space: nowrap%3B%22 href%3D%22http://www.vibeplate.com%22%3EVibePlate.com Vibration Traning, Vibration Platform, Vibration Therapy, Power Plate%3C/a%3E

bluehaus Jun. 19 '10

Beautiful colours and wonderfully simple! Great work!*


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