typographia media

by ArtMachine • Uploaded: Jun. 27 '07 - Gallerized: Jun. '07


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Description: Logo design for typographia media, a german advertising agency. <br><br> The design frames a simple incorporation of typography and communication by the modification of curly waves forming faces.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 11703

Lets Discuss

xorppa Jun. 27 '07

Very, very, very nice. beautifull find!

chanpion Jun. 27 '07

Clever, very clever indeed Art. I saw the faces a mile away and thought...well...clever!

Art Machine Jun. 28 '07

Thanks guys. :)*Yeah, the font is %22Klavika%22.

senterbrands Jun. 28 '07

Ahh... Klavika.. One of my favs. Nice work!

dache Jun. 29 '07

Very unique, I like it

Thomas Jun. 29 '07

Great! Congratulations. Nice and clever!

firebrand Jun. 29 '07

Left field layout. Cool.

nido Jun. 29 '07

hehe... if you turn it upside down they still look like faces... that'd be great on business cards etc... now to turn my monitor back round... there you go... brilliant Art!

Art Machine Jun. 29 '07

Thanks to all you guys.*And nido...exactly. I also thought it's nice how the mouth is acting as an eye when the logo is turned upside down. Hmm...an asymmetrical ambigram. **: )**

s7even Jun. 29 '07

super nice mark. you have some amazing work.

theuprock Jul. 12 '07

While I do think the curly braces are quite clever, the size ratios throw me off a little. I guess I'm just wondering how the logomark and logotype relate to the same message. I don't see typography or media in the logomark.**Like I said, I'm not downing the ingenuity of the piece, it's just that there are several formats that I can't see this functioning in.

Art Machine Jul. 15 '07

Well, what you should know, Dylan, is that typographia media, as far as I know, is mainly about events and developing online communities so thats what the faces among other things are ought to express. *Furthermore I do think the type and mark comlement each other well and in case the relation of the mark to the name isn't obvious, I don't think that this is necessary to create a unique and successful design. But I didn't get what you meant by 'formats the logo wouldn't function in'. Do you mean there are difficulties in reproducing the logo across certain media?*Thanks for comments. : )

AlexWende May. 02 '08

Very nice, great job!


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