Music City (4)

by AntonioZacarias • Uploaded: Oct. 28 '08


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Description: Still messing around with this one. Critiques Welcomed...
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 4974

Lets Discuss

ticky_tacky Oct. 28 '08

Good idea man, i like it.*I think you shold try the mark with most cold colors but yet great logo.

azacarias7 Oct. 29 '08

Thanks ticky_tacky, Ill keep your advise in mind.

morelucas Nov. 07 '08

I really like this idea. I was thinking that the colors should be even like in a real EQ. I made an example: %3Cimg src%3D%22 border%3D%220%22 alt%3D%22Photobucket%22%3E%3C/a%3E**I see you did this in one of your earlier versions, but it just makes more sense to me with the colors like this.*Cheers!


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