El Palomino

by AntonioZacarias • Uploaded: Aug. 07 '13


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Description: Logo I did for a horse racing team.
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 6982
Tags: Wood Western Cowboy Colt

Lets Discuss

BuroBlauwBrug Aug. 07 '13

great flow and fast horse! only thing that a bit out of since is the PAL for me... but those are hard to get even spaced...

ClimaxDesigns Aug. 07 '13

i feel like i have either seen this type treatment or done it before

azacarias7 Aug. 08 '13

Thanks for the input Buro.

David, I have not seen something like it before. I tried to give it a western treatment with the horns, I wonder if there is something out there similar.

THEArtistT Aug. 08 '13

I noticed you like playing with type like that in some of your other logos. There are also a couple of typefaces out there that are not dissimilar. The trend currently seems to be those kind of flourishes on capital letters right now.


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