
by Alisa1711 • Uploaded: Feb. 26 '11 - Gallerized: Feb. '11


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Description: BudgetBuild.ru – is an Internet portal, which helps users save on construction or find a contractor job. Main task: to focus on opportunities to save when using the site. In order to convey to consumers the basic idea, it was decided to create a sense of “fun”, “easy” to repair, which takes place in a friendly atmosphere. Textures borrowed from the real objects that are associated with the repair and construction. At the same time, I tried to do the collective image that some textures can be interpreted in different ways. The logo is the ever-changing details (location and size of nails, textures and shapes of letters) that enhance the atmosphere of “fun repair”. See full concept Animated logo Series of "building texture", for example: Brick; Stone; Wallpaper or Screw
As seen on: my portfolio on revision.ru
Status: Client work
Viewed: 6542

Lets Discuss

nido Feb. 26 '11

I like the playful style... and the potential for a brand is really there. Readability is not a problem either. **All in all, whether this is the direction the client requested in the brief or not I don't know... but... you have done a very good job.

LadyGrey Feb. 27 '11

Good art-idea, Alisa!

cerise Feb. 27 '11

cool client should be happy

sbj Feb. 27 '11

nice art direction..

dannygdammit Feb. 28 '11

very unique. I enjoy this very much.

raja Feb. 28 '11

yea niice, really liked the animation

jencreatesthings Apr. 04 '11

Nice to see something different!


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