by AlexanderSpliid • Uploaded: Jan. 14 '10
I am starting to take some initial steps towards my personal branding,
here is a "AS" monogram.
Nothing set
Lets Discuss
As this is just an initial digitalised sketch, i would love to hear any thoughts on this. *Seen it before?*Too close to anthony's AL monogram?
ReplyThank you guys, i hope to set it i bit more apart with some tweaks, here and there. Will keep you updated... **and both of your monograms are very inspirational :)
ReplyI like it
ReplyNeeds minor tweaking, but like the idea.
ReplyHave you rounded the corners of the S a little bit?
ReplyOr is it just my tired eyes?
ReplyNo jn i haven't. guess you should get some sleep :) *But i have rounded corners on the version i am playing around with right now. *Hopefully i will get some time in the weekend to work on it. thanks for kind and helpful comments.
ReplyAh well - bedtime :) Good luck with it - i see a lot of potential.
Replyupdated version :) would love to hear your thoughts... and any suggestions on improving this are very welcome. :)
ReplyGreat AS monogram - better than the other version and unique to me. I would like to see it with type. What is your own opinion on it?
ReplyThank you jn, I think with the latest update i am starting to see some potential in it, and yes it needs type to go along with it, i am imagining something classic for that.**Just not sure if the A and S is obvoius enough, but i guess i've just stared too much at it.?
ReplyIt's obvious to me! It's always hard when it is your own personal identity which i think every logodesigner has experienced. The only thing you can do is to test it - get your family and frineds or even people that you dont know to look at it. If they see the A and the S you are on solid ground. **Looking forward to seeing the final version.
ReplyThanks for the tip jn, already did :) pretty much everyone i've asked was able to see both the a and s in about ten seconds, but it becomes sorta' forced when it friends and family :)**Well i am slowly settling for this one, and a final version aint far away. ***btw. are you danish?
ReplyYour welcome :) **Yes i am in fact danish - why are you asking?
ReplyI am too, not often i spot danes on logopond i must say.
ReplyN%E5 der kan man bare se :) smid mig en mail hvis det er du har brug for en mening en anden gang.
Replynice /–
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