by AlexWende • Uploaded: Mar. 09 '11 - Gallerized: Mar. '11


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Description: **WIP** 3rd proposal For a VPN Service (virtual private network) named Privax which helps secure your internet connection + helps protect your online anonymity through encryption. Custom made font. The concept: the x symbolize an abstract protective shield with which you surf anonymously, the red bar is the outside world / hacker etc...
Status: Client work
Viewed: 25160

Lets Discuss

AlexWende Mar. 09 '11

**updatet** the colors

milou Mar. 09 '11

Good work on type, Alex.

Mikeymike Mar. 09 '11

another real nice type approach on this piece too, Alex

mwgriffin Mar. 09 '11

Looks great! I love the typeface you've come up with here. One thing that nagged at me was that it looked more like %22privex%22 than %22privax%22. I think my brain is trying to flip the %22a%22 into an %22e.%22 I think the reason I initially thought it was an %22e%22 was because the bottom of it is almost completely round, which makes me think that it is a reversed, upside down %22e.%22 It could just be me, and if it is, please ignore my ramblings... Keep up the good work!

AlexWende Mar. 09 '11

thanks guys!**@ mwgriffin: you're absolutely right, good eye. :) **It reads better and it looks a lot better more %22techy%22 now, thank you!!

Pierro Mar. 09 '11

Superb to me, Alex!

mwgriffin Mar. 09 '11

Way to tighten it up mate! Nothing really comes to mind in terms of changes. I'm liking this very much! I'm having a tough time deciding between the three concepts you've got on the table. I feel like I'm just debating between the shield concept and this one. The other one, while I like it, doesn't really feel like it would fit a vpn service... Keep up the good work. I like the variety you've got going. It's always great to have options from a standpoint of making choices based on contrast and perspective.

fanego Mar. 09 '11

wow, this looks great!

Mikeymike Mar. 10 '11

nailed it. you have some good choices for this client. sweet.

AlexWende Mar. 10 '11

Thanks folks, I will present this three designs to the client now..., lets hope he likes the proposals :)

AlexWende Mar. 11 '11

This got approved just now, thx again for the help everyone :)

alterego Mar. 11 '11

Congrats ...this is damn techy :)

Mikeymike Mar. 11 '11

congrats, Alex. this is great.

minusfive Mar. 14 '11

Mind if I ask which typeface, if any, did you use as base? Thanks.

AlexWende Mar. 15 '11

thx! **@minusfive: All three typefaces/proposals for this client were made from scratch :)

gijolas Mar. 16 '11

Like how you turned the idea of protective shield

AlexWende Mar. 17 '11

thx danny %26 Audrius!**@brandcolour: what do you mean by %22NIKE!!!%22 ? :)

Chad Sanderson Mar. 18 '11

All these are sweet! Lucky client.

brandsimplicity Mar. 18 '11

Congrats, its a great design and concept.

pmp training Mar. 19 '11

the design is so simple, like it,

aloofkid Apr. 06 '11

I went here because I want to comment about the simplicity of it's type font, but after reading your description I was amazed on how you portray the company with the simple %22X%22


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