Fly for foods

by AlexSeciu • Uploaded: Feb. 05 '16 - Gallerized: Mar. '16


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Description: Logo design for "Fly for foods"
Status: Client work
Viewed: 6181
Tags: stamp foods drawing airplane

Lets Discuss

luberadesign Mar. 08 '16

Am I right in seeing that none of your stuff has been gallerized? That's just not right. Love your style.

logoholik Mar. 09 '16

I think that the problem is, although there are really nice entries here, almost all of them have something that needs to be corrected, mainly typography wise to be gallery worth material imho... lot of logos in your portfolio Alex are close to gallery but need to be revisited for that 10% upgrade :) Int that name, this one seems closest to the goal :)

AIex Mar. 10 '16

Thank you for your feedback.
I agree with you, I have to work more on typography.


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