The Creative Company

by AJGagnon • Uploaded: Oct. 20 '08 - Gallerized: Oct. '08


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Description: Initial Comp for The Creative Company
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 81725

Lets Discuss

sdijock Oct. 20 '08

I like this concept the most - good update to your last version. Fav'd.

gyui Oct. 20 '08

were you're intentions to have the 'C' be all white because I see some very faint transparent lines running through it? If you intended to keep the faint lines, I suggest having an all white 'C'.%0D*%0D*This is my favorite concept out of all your comps.

Matheus Oct. 20 '08

I agree with gyui. If you have an opaque C would be even better

ajgagnon Oct. 20 '08

Good Idea George, is there a way to update the logo or do I have to re-upload a different file?

firebrand Oct. 20 '08

Overwrite the file, it's only a minor change.

firebrand Oct. 20 '08

First, rename the updated file. Then go to edit/delete, click on the logo (not the minus symbol) and re-upload the renamed file.

ajgagnon Oct. 20 '08

haha okay figured it out now.

yurko Oct. 20 '08

hm... I hate transparency idea at all... but I really love this one.

darrel Oct. 20 '08

Very nice.**Nitpiks: The colors are a tad muddy. Maybe bump the intensity up a notch.**C and E should be the same weight as the rest of the letters. Right now they are both bigger and heavier. **Maybe letterspace THE and COMPANY out a bit?

nexqunyx Oct. 20 '08

Nice depth on the mark. I like it:)

sdijock Oct. 21 '08

AJ - I've taken another look at this logo and I still love the mark, however, the type bothers me. I don't think it's necessary to make the %22C%22 and %22E%22 larger. There's enough going on in the mark itself for interest-sake, no need to play with the type too. I would keep the type simple and clean, like in your other versions. Let the mark do all the work.

ddd Oct. 21 '08

It is not reflected here on his site:***But this dudes logo is a %22C%22 with this same treatment. I have his business card.

ajgagnon Oct. 21 '08

Thanks for the critique Steve, I agree with the C and E scale issue. They do seem to compete a little bit.

tconrad Oct. 21 '08

your use of color is nice.

Matheus Oct. 22 '08

now it's good.*too bad it's not printable on b%26w

AxPx Oct. 22 '08

I dig this one the best of the 3

Tats Me! Nov. 18 '08

Like this one, good thought and for the C and E i think it shud remain the same as it adds a majestic feel to the mark! IMO

tanyildiz Jan. 29 '09

love the colours! wonderful work!

janji Jul. 05 '09

nice colors and gradient... but a logo should also work in b/w.


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