Orange Boot

by zephyr • Uploaded: Nov. 07 '10


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Description: This is a logo concept for some of the best clients I've ever had. Mark and Cindy are opening up an artisan bakery. All the best ingredients and a really fun vibe. This is the first of three concepts. A young boy (inspired by their son) holding a baguette triumphantly in the air as if he just won a sword fight with it, in a pair of orange boots. I'll likely do a case study on them because they filled out the brief as if they were designers themselves. A very fun project!
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Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 4764

Lets Discuss

zephyr Nov. 07 '10

Sounding like the client is leaning in this direction. Any feedback is welcome.

zephyr Nov. 08 '10

You're always good for feedback, Anthony. Thanks a lot! The font is somewhat fixed as this is the look the Orange Boot is going for. The client wants to go with this font. I will definitely fix the spacing between the two word and make the 'bakery' fit better.


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