Zach Blank

by zachblank • Uploaded: Feb. 23 '12


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Description: Working on my personal logo right now and I feel like something isn't right, but I don't know what it is. Any pointers?
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 1194

Lets Discuss

skeermes Feb. 28 '12

Nice work, I like this! The little piece sticking out the back of the 'H'. The darker shadows are too dark in comparison to the rest and it throws the balance off a bit. One more thing, I would place the 'C' behind the leg of the 'A'. :)

zachblank Jul. 04 '13

Thanks for the pointers! I definitely want to re-design this, going with much flatter colors, and better technique with the ribbon itself. I'll definitely take your suggestions into account. Thanks!


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