
by yoseph • Uploaded: Feb. 03 '11


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Description: A concept for Imajinarium, our future design agency. The idea was to create an entrance to a world of creativity
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 2837

Lets Discuss

teknofilo Feb. 08 '11

good idea, but maybe with another typo

yoseph Feb. 08 '11

thanks! we're currently experimenting with other typo :)

richardbaird Feb. 09 '11

I think that the type is quite strong on it's own.

yoseph Feb. 09 '11

Thanks richard, but does it match with the mark?

raja Feb. 09 '11

I think with a name like that - you can do better than the 'door' concept**'entering the word of creativity' seems a bit more inviting of a state of mind and less so a physical place, albeit , you are using it metaphorically**the typography is very flatlined for a grandiose name**I'm not trying to be negative by any means but really feel you can push the limits a bit here

yoseph Feb. 10 '11

Thanks for the input raja!


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