by wowmakers • Uploaded: Feb. 16 '13
The new brand designed for OyeTaxi makes it special and unique.
As per the client requirements the logo should convey that they are a web based company and since we are on .in domain, its very important that it shows up on logo as well.
My idea was to keep the keywords - 'web based' and 'taxi/vehicles' and ended up in designing this ultimate logo and it looks elegant and classy as well. In order to depict the 'web based' concept, I decided to go ahead with the element 'mouse', which everyone think of, everything happens just in a mouse click. And, the mark stands out from all the competitors as it has a personality of its own.
The typography is selected from a set of fonts, which makes it look very classy and trustworthy. It also stands the test of time. The colors are also carefully selected to give the brand the best view and class.
As seen on:
Client work
Online Booking
Oye Taxi
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