
by webskin • Uploaded: May. 11 '11


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Description: chitterz site
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 633

Lets Discuss

designtofeel May. 11 '11

Ha, I'm sorry but I read %22Shitterz%22 which, coincidentally, pairs nicely with a bird.

webskin May. 11 '11

Yeah... I know... a lot of people told me, but I really don't know how to make that bird sing a C :))

designtofeel May. 11 '11

Just have the bird facing left.

talkire May. 11 '11

yeah.. i thought it was suppose to be shitterz too.... maybe flip the bird, and type out the C in the same font. Because they may also have instances where they just use the typography and not the icon. That way they have the option. Maybe play with a few font options, something flowing to represent musical notes. The bird looks great tho! :)

webskin May. 12 '11

I tried to place the bird facing left but doesn't look good


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