Artilugio 2

by webing • Uploaded: Mar. 18 '10


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Description: Logo for a decoration company, the name means 'trick', 'artful device'.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 7057

Lets Discuss

raja Mar. 22 '10

I could show you but no point really, I had done this for a client that used 3 L's in their name...being a popular illusion, it is difficult to take claim

epsilon Mar. 22 '10

Re: general shape - it's a Mobius strip in a form of triangle, it has been done before, but I think the execution here is what makes the logo.

epsilon Mar. 22 '10

btw, what the heck is going on with the type?

Hayes Image Mar. 22 '10

Yeah, my highscool used an impossible triangle for their logo, put it was shaded by line art rather than colour...


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