
by webcore • Uploaded: Jan. 25 '11


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Description: A logo design developed for a HTML5 GPS based browser tracking application which allows users to see the location of family, friends and colleagues on an on-screen map in real time.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 2394

Lets Discuss

atomicvibe Sep. 27 '11

I've seen this logo all over the internets these days, and for the life of me, I can't seem to decipher the icon.**Because it's so stylized, my brain keeps wanting to read it as type - specifically a %22CPD%22 monogram - but I don't think that's it. These letters have nothing to do with the business name. Or does it somehow spell %22GPS%22??**Then, because you've used green and red as your main colors, I'm trying to make the %22go%22 and %22stop%22 associations, but I'm still left scratching my head. Does the %22go/stop%22 theme refer to tracking your friends as they're both %22on the go,%22 and %22stopped%22 at various locations?**And then, I start to see a very stylized human form in green - the figure's arm raised above its head - but then I can't figure out what the red portion is supposed to be. Is the person holding a map? Is the red bracket shape supposed to be a blur line of something leaving the person's raised hand, and encircling them?**And then, I start to see a very abstract camera shape, which I know this can't be. That wouldn't make any sense... would it?**So please, PRETTY PLEASE, with Splenda on top, will you please indulge my thick-skulledness, and explain to me what this is? It's driving me nuts.


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