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William Brokhof

I have earned my experience by working with the best in the business, having spent part of my career thus far administering sales and marketing for the one of the principals of Prudential Unlimited Realty, John Maxfield. My first year at what was then Prudential Maxfield & Company presented me with the "Rookie of the Year," "Over 5 million dollars in sales" and "Leading Edge" (over $130,000 GCI) awards. Since then, I received the "Leading Edge" award for several years, and now, I am proud to add my 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 "President's Circle" (over $200,000 GCI) awards to this prestigious list. Through the years, I have developed strong connections with area brokers, developers, and trades people, gaining priceless experience and skill in negotiations, marketing and sales. In 2004 I developed The Boston Home Team in response to an overwhelming increase in my sales volume. The team is comprised of myself, Christine Li (my wife) & Carrie Anne Li (my sister-in-law) and Jeff Stineback. The Home Team is dedicated to creating unique marketing opportunities for our clients and providing maximum exposure in a very competitive market.


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