Flottenschau #1

by watermarker • Uploaded: Aug. 05 '11


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Description: Unused proposal for an upcoming webshop, selling small but high quality, metal waterline-ship-models, civil and military from all epoches. 'Flottenschau' is the german origin word for 'Naval Review', which were events during the same time back, as european Navies used to meet and show themself in their building struggle for naval power. Finally declined. Winner is: http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/154095 (good choise IMHO)
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 2515

Lets Discuss

JMC Dec. 16 '11

Original %26 outstanding. Well done!

watermarker Dec. 19 '11

Thanks, JMC. By time, i will change/continue it. I have new ideas for it.


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