Big Sweater Graphic Design

by volfro • Uploaded: Dec. 27 '06 - Gallerized: Jan. '07


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Description: My personal logo. My last name roughly translates from Italian as \"big sweater\", thus the business name. I wanted something that looked classic and mature, being a young designer catering to a much older audience (thus the brown, slab serif, and simple shapes), as well as something that suggested an ability to follow trends (orange/argyle, the newness of a folded sweater on the shelf). I also wanted to convey the image of a folded sweater without really drawing one, and this came out. Looking for any critique/suggestion anybody can give me. Thanks for viewing my first LogoPond upload!
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 10233

Lets Discuss

erikatwebologist Oct. 05 '07

Great idea. I think the sweater could be made just a little bit smaller, but not by much. I think this will really appeal to your target audience

Postmodern Oct. 11 '07

I think the mark is smart. I don't think the type should be any smaller or larger in relationship to thee Sweater. I think the type (size) treatment lends itself to being able to use the sweater mark sucessfully without the type , similar to the way Nike uses the Swish icon. When you see the Swish icon you know it's Nike, similarly, with repetitous use, your audiance/clients will know Big Sweater without using the typemark below the logomark.


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