by vld • Uploaded: Oct. 20 '07 - Gallerized: Oct. '07
Logo for indoor golf center that provides players to play golf on the best 50 golf courses of the world on simulators.
Unused proposal
Lets Discuss
I love it, your concepts are really clever!
ReplyThe brand is awesome, really cleaver. The type couldn't be more armysh?
ReplyGreat concept.
ReplyMate...this rocks.This would be such a fun one to brand.
ReplyBrilliant concept! Very satirical. Well done.
ReplyClever indeed. Good one, dude!!
Replythis is a former client of mine, is this what they chose?***
Replygreat concept!
ReplyAlmost perfect...very nice. Wish I'd done it!
ReplyThank you all!!!%0D*This was my entry for an contest. I also thought it's a good concept but it wasn't chosen by the client.%0D*%0D*@raja :) i had similar idea but the client chose an abbreviation of it's nema (actually it looks like CR more than GR but it's not an issue now).%0D*%0D*Here it is:*%0D*
ReplyI forgot to mention I love your concept here. **So it looks like they went with this, . How sad.
Reply%5E I agree.%0D*... thats the one they choose.
Replycontests are a dirty way to get a good logotype for almost no money. The prizes are like 50%24, 100%24... a visual identitiy is something around 1.000%24*NEVER ENTER SMALL PRICED CONTESTS
ReplyGreat idea and nice execution.
Replyclever idea, looks like they just wanted a simple mark with no real concept? can't please everyone.
ReplyLike it... a lot...
ReplyIs this a satire of the raising of the flag at Iwo Jima? I don't mean to be overly critical but that doesn't seem appropriate for a golf center...but maybe I'm wrong. :-)
Replythis is incredible
Replytnx, everybody!
Replyi love the execution of this very nice concept.*
Replyi absolutely love this, what a fricken sweet concept
Replyi'm in love with this one!
ReplyTnx ndmgfx, penflare, patentico...
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