
by vlasta-s • Uploaded: Dec. 14 '07


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Description: Motocross racing team.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 3263

Lets Discuss

kadunakashima Dec. 14 '07

i like the rounded colours, i dont know about the white spot

OcularInk Dec. 14 '07

@ admarcbart: Yep, that's what I see too.**@ vlasta-s: This overall concept seems to be a little tired these days. While you did a nice job creating your logo, I think the company would benefit from a more conceptual and unique approach. As of now, this does not evoke motocross racing. It looks like a logo for a software development company or something of that nature. Here are some words that might strike some inspiration.**Dirt, mud, race, racing, fast, fun, exciting, exhilarating, speed, turns, jumps, curves, air, high, aggressive, sport, etc. Try finding an idea that relates to motocross and you'll have a better solution for your client.**

TernaciousT Dec. 14 '07

Good advice there from Oc, I'd take it. This doesn't say Motor Cross I'm afraid, when I saw it I thought it was maybe a logo for one of those kids virtual friends devices, you know like those Pixel Chicks. It needs roughening up and strengthening, it needs to say speed. Good luck!

vlasta-s Dec. 18 '07

Thank to all for your critique. Let me write some words to this logo:**1. Style. I know, this picture doesn't look sharp, muddy and %22racy%22, but that was the point. My client didn't want it. Every team has %22...dirt, mud, race, racing, fast...%22 and he wanted to be differ from his competitors. %22So, make it simple and round.%22 I tried it.**2. Cingular. Yes, picto looks like Cingular's one. You are right. Everyone know it. I tried stylize letter X by many ways to realize the target of roundy style and square format. Together with letters was the blob the best solution of all I'd sketched.**3. White spot. Name of the team is Nina-X. Simple point/circle looks natural and better than if I added dash/line to the text. Logo is more compact now.**So, what is wrong (except my english)? Where is mistake? Appearance doesn't match with use? Cingular look?**Thank you.

nido Dec. 18 '07

make it a bit more unique then maybe... %26 a bit more dynamic! have some of the bits stretched out further then the give it perspective.. motion!!!.. you know?... dont think anyones saying that theres anything wrong with it in particular... but thats its nothing new... in fact.. its very done to death!...


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