Space Cadet

by victerrorog • Uploaded: Mar. 09 '10


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Description: space cadet
As seen on: Space Cadet
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 1159

Lets Discuss

designcouch Mar. 10 '10

Whoever you are and whatever space cadet toys is, I BEG YOU to stop posting your logo vomit here. Looking at your myriad of logos makes me want to curl up in a fetal ball and weep. Don't open another account, and give up all hope of ever designing an effective logo for this company.**You might, however, have a career designing Microsoft Word clip art.

logoboom Mar. 10 '10

And if you're all students...kudos for effort...but get a new instructor.

alexanderspliid Mar. 10 '10

I'm floating this bad-boy just for the laugh.

j-CAZ Mar. 10 '10

I wish one of these jerks would speak up.

logoboom Mar. 10 '10

Very well could be all the same person.

jerron Mar. 10 '10

It could be a grade school class project.


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