
by vegaconcept • Uploaded: Sep. 04 '13


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Description: The word "Peru" derive from Viru. The Spanish first arrived to Peru asked some Indians as they called the place, to which they responded 'Viru' (ancient pre-Inca culture, Viru River, north of Peru). The Spanish understood the name as "Peru" and from there comes the name. So cuandoFrancisco Pizarro explored the southern regions in 1525.13 These were designated Viru or Peru.   The Spanish Crown gave the name legal status with the 1529 Capitulation of Toledo, which designated the newly encountered Inca Empire as the province of Peru. Under Spanish rule, the country adopted the denomination Viceroyalty of Peru, which became, in turn, in the Republic of Peru at the time of independence from Spanish rule.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 564
Tags: turkey country map

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