Freedom University Keta

by vasvari • Uploaded: Jun. 18 '15


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Description: Logo design for an Non-Profit Organisation, Africa/Ghana. "Freedom University, Keta, Volta Region, Ghana, was founded June 18, 2013. Slavery in its many insidious guises is alive and flourishing in Ghana, and throughout the world. The Freedom Corps Ghana Pioneer project is the first to combine scholarship with activism, using lessons from the past to attack and transform the conditions - greed, ignorance, poverty, intolerance, and lack of respect for individual freedom, dignity and well-being - that allow slavery to flourish. Freedom Corps Ghana Pioneers will become the vanguard of informed, influential activists in an on-going battle to eliminate this evil practice. The mission of Freedom Campus is focused on housing, health, nutrition, education and the creation of opportunity for Ghana, and all Africans."
Status: Client work
Viewed: 1511
Tags: slavery nonprofit Ghana trichromatic

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