by uranwang • Uploaded: Mar. 21 '10
This logo has selected by the Logolounge logo trend report 2010. It's a Logo design for a leading Interactive & Broadcast Creative Agency.
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Lets Discuss
very nice work xiansheng wang... I love your bright %26 imposing style...
ReplyBeautiful work. Love the shape and colours. Nicely done
Replywish I've seen this before I did a logo with a concept close to this, this is very inspiring
ReplyFeatured Here:
ReplyA Fascinating Collection of Star Logo Design
Espero que este post lo lean los desarrolladores de este logo. Les informo que este trabajo a sido utilizado por un candidato presidencial de Chile, Pablo Longueira, como imagen de campa�a, me parece que debIan saberlo, lastima que no pueda subir imagenes al post para que sea mas explicito, pero es una verguenza, lo digo como Dise�ador. Saludos, buen trabajo.
ReplyI hope this post will read the developers of this logo. I inform you that this work has been used by a presidential candidate of Chile, Pablo Longueira, as image campaign, I think that should know, can not hurt to upload images to post to make it more explicit, but it is a shame, I say as Designer. Greetings, good job.
Damn! Once again people take liberty to just grab and use logos thinking no body will take notice, I hope you can send them an email or a note #GettingTooMuch
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