Art of Troy

by tsizer • Uploaded: Jun. 15 '13


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Description: This ambigram logo was inspired by Blackletter script and will be used for self promotion purposes.
As seen on: Appetype
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 5184
Tags: script typeonly custom blackandwhite

Lets Discuss

cream5 Jun. 21 '13

Not to be a downer but did you use one of these Cause it looks almost the same to what you have up there.

cnasshan Jun. 21 '13

Not only that but I read Fray.

THEArtistT Jun. 21 '13

you need to disconect the r from the T. it won't hurt the y, and people won't read it as Froy or Fray so easily.

THEArtistT Jun. 21 '13

disconnect (jeez). thanks for the link Abi! I think I'll buy one for my husband's b-day. he loves ambigrams.


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