by trulywelsh • Uploaded: Sep. 05 '07
another logo idea for "chariad", a charity that makes money through advertising
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btw, does anyone know why this is appearing without the picture on the list....slightly puzzled!
ReplyHiya, *Maybe go to the 'edit logo' option in your 'myadmin' section and try to upload the logo file once more.*Pob lwc*redfour
Replythanks, tried it but maybe its just my PC....
ReplyAre you sure you uploaded a JPG? It seems you uploaded a GIF and maybe this is the reason the image is black on the miniature ...
Replyyeah, tried uploading jpg first and it was black, so then tried png and decided to just leave it at that, thanks tho :)
ReplyI did it! Finally!!!
ReplyI'm just wondering, why is the company called Chariad and not Cariad? There is no need for a soft mutation on a single word.
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