
by tiko1232 • Uploaded: Jan. 18 '09


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Description: How about this? And this time it's not japanese, chinese, or even vietnamese ;) just for the sake of the people who got offended :) A friend kinda gave me the green light to do it :) This is the teaser LOL. Following maveric's strategy :) So start guessing!!
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 3520

Lets Discuss

THEArtistT Jan. 19 '09

This is very nice and very sell-able in my opinion.

tiko1232 Jan. 19 '09

Thanx my friend :)

mavric Jan. 20 '09

Tiko this is way much better IMO, I think its simple, direct and fun :)*like the mustache too.***keep up the good work %3B)**CHEERS bro**


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