We love making movies

by tiko1232 • Uploaded: Nov. 12 '08


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Lets Discuss

mavric Nov. 13 '08

nicely done tiko,*The treatment that you did to establish a visual link between the typeface and the icon is working.**good job dude :)

Matheus Nov. 13 '08

great one, it's readable even without the L

tiko1232 Nov. 15 '08

@ mavric: Thanx bro :)**@ matheus: Thanx mat %3B)

esotericsean Nov. 16 '08

I read it as 'Ve' at first (from the small thumbnail), but got it pretty much right away. What purpose does the type in the %22We%22 and %22-ove%22 play? It doesn't seem to make sense to me to add spacing or whitespace on the characters.**Also, the stripes on the clapper usually run the other way.**Good one, though. This for a website?

tiko1232 Nov. 17 '08

Well, I wanted the type to blend in more with the clapper style instead of just plain text splat out. Thanx dude :) nah, it's for a friend of mine.


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