by thesmallmonsters • Uploaded: Nov. 09 '10


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Description: Final logo for a small video production company. They wanted a logo that would be simple, unpretentious, and a bit retro. I'm not satisfied with all of the letterforms, and I'm hoping to have time to make some adjustments to this one next year.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 1451

Lets Discuss

JF Nov. 09 '10

'VIDEO EQUITABLE' is far, far....far too small in proportion to the larger, main type %5Bblic%5D. And, what does 'VIDEO EQUITABLE' mean anyhow? Please elaborate on that.

thesmallmonsters Nov. 10 '10

Thanks for the comments. Alen, I know I need to work on the angles, it was a bit of a struggle for me.**JF, %22Equitable%22 is the equivalent of %22Fair Trade%22 in French. %22Video Equitable%22 doesn't have a fixed meaning, but the client uses it to express his company's values: working for ecologically minded companies for low prices or in exchange for services. It doesn't translate too well in English, but he's in Montr%E9al, where the term is very common.

JF Nov. 10 '10

Ahh, I see! Thank you for the explanation. **So, I believe it is even more important now for you to make sure 'VIDEO EQUITABLE' is readable. Right now, it isn't readable at normal print sizes (logo on letterhead, envelopes, etc.)%3B it's barely legible at this larger size here on the site.


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