Colordarcy Logo

by theideafield • Uploaded: Oct. 15 '07


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Description: A mock up for colordarcy realestate company on brazil. They want a general concept, because in a future they will expand they brand not only in real estate, but in another business too. So i give them an EARTH look, with shape and color.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 2177

Lets Discuss

cresk Oct. 18 '07

I love the colorscheme, the mark and main type as well. The only concern I'd have here it this little word 'Brazil' which maybe could be a little bit elegantly placed. Maybe you should apply some extra kerning to this word and make it nicely fit between the 'd' and 'y'.**Nevertheless, it's an awesome logo you can be proud of.

renxokuken Oct. 22 '07

Very nice color choice, n very good placement of the three elements.


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