ThinkArch architecture competition

by tass • Uploaded: Oct. 29 '12 - Gallerized: Nov. '12


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Description: Logo design proposal for ThinkArch competition organized for university students and young architects. The competition is open to students or graduates of Czech and Slovak universities, fields of architecture, urbanism, landscape and garden architecture.
As seen on:
Status: Client work
Viewed: 16381
Tags: architecture urbanism landscape competition

Lets Discuss

SL Nov. 02 '12

Awesome. I like the logo in white best. Great job.

effendy Nov. 02 '12

Loved the way you showed the architecturing in the mark. Great job Alex!

tass Nov. 03 '12

Thank you Logopond for the feature and thank you all for floats and support.

Thank you Sophia, this will be in fact the one in use.

Thank you Ali, I did my best to show an evolving-connecting-dynamic structure.


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