
by tabithakristen • Uploaded: Dec. 19 '10


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Description: This was my contribution to the Moovers collection lol - Worked with them sometime in June I believe.
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 1676

Lets Discuss

ALL4LEO Dec. 22 '10

I wanted to see this one from you!*Interesting one, I like it %3B)

tabithakristen Apr. 27 '13

See Mike? Almost the same concept haha

logomotive Apr. 27 '13

almost an arrow there in the face?

tabithakristen Apr. 27 '13

There is! LOL. I couldn't make it more obvious without being... too obvious.

logomotive Apr. 27 '13

Does not matter now anyhow now, Client ended up going a whole new direction. I think it turned out well for them, they spent a lot of money in the logo and got something simple that worked. Just wish I could tap into my clients head sometimes.

tabithakristen Apr. 27 '13

I agree. I just thought it was CRAZY how many people they hired for this. I don't think I've ever seen anything like it before. And I've certainly never been part of something like that before. When they wrote me, I had no idea so many other designers were doing the same thing until I saw it blow up here on LP. LOL


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