Herbata Tees

by stephBme • Uploaded: Aug. 01 '11


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Description: A t-shirt company I created that plays off the fact that it is "steeped to perfection" like tea.
Status: Student work
Viewed: 700

Lets Discuss

designtofeel Aug. 01 '11

The %22tea%22 concept is way too subtle here. If you just played it straightforward and had the tea bag the shape of a tee shirt, with the string going straight up (or up and over the edge of a cup) it would make more sense. Right now the string is way too long, and gets lost when it travels around the whole logo.

stephbme Aug. 08 '11

Firstly, thank you for the input. I really appreciate it. I'm not sure how you mean about making the tea bag shape of a tee shirt? The middle white portion is actually a tee shirt. I will definitely try another version with a shorter string.


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