Kurper and Carp Merchants Changed 1

by stefanismit • Uploaded: Nov. 24 '09 - Gallerized: Nov. '09


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Description: Designed for a company that sell fish!
Status: Client work
Viewed: 14779

Lets Discuss

OcularInk Nov. 24 '09

The fish detail could be a little more familiar, but overall, nice job. The texture works very well too.

sdijock Nov. 24 '09

I agree about the fish shape - could definitely use some modification. Also, I think the alignment of the type is really odd. IMO it would make more sense start the type with the dot at the bottom center of the circle.

logoboom Nov. 24 '09

Your photography and paintings are beautiful Stefani. I particular like %22Am I Beautiful?%22

stefani smit Nov. 24 '09

Thanks guys for all your comments!!! Do you mean it the fish should have more detail? Like in the fins, or should I just try a different shapes? They want it to not be recognizable as a specific fish.*I will change the dot to the bottom centre - it was just placed like that as if it was stamped randomly :)*Better at the photo's and paintings :)

OcularInk Nov. 25 '09

This fish fits the circle better. I think it needs some negative space/a break between the right fin and the body of the fish. That area kind of blends together. Hope this helps.

stefani smit Nov. 25 '09

Thanks, yes it does...but the client wants the other fish...will work on that one more...thanks for all the help

mabu Nov. 27 '09

That's just beautiful. I really like the textured look.

birofunk Nov. 30 '09

awesome stamp, great work!

idil Jan. 03 '10

beautiful logo over all. I think the fish needs to be a little more distinct.

indyryan Jan. 14 '10

This is amazing! How did you achieve the texture in Illustrator?

stefani smit Nov. 10 '10

Thanks everyone!! Indryryan - I do the base work in illustrator and the texture in photoshop...bit of a hassle, but it gives a nice effect! %3B)


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