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Sleep-zero.com has been involved in the design scene since 1996, exploring into as many kind of art as possible; from traditional doodling to conventional drawing to realistic painting using pencil, watercolors, oil paints, acrylic paints and the likes up to the computer graphics, web designing to multimedia presentations.
From junior graphic designer in an advertising agency, to in-house graphic designer in different corporate companies, layout artist in a publishing corporation to senior project leader of the design team in a web business BPO, I tackled problems head on, producing the most innovative solutions that push the boundaries of design, while maitaining relevance, clarity, and visual appeal.
A senior creative artist, experienced corporate identity, print and collateral designer, exposed to web developing in different cultural design solutions for different products and services.
Hard-working, highly motivated , team player and enjoy learning new everyday and is open for a rewarding career in a reputable and stable organization- local or abroad, which offers both professional and personal growth.


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